Collaboration agreement between the FC Barcelona Foundation and TPV Cares, the social platform of TP Vision, whose AMBILIGHT tv brand is an FC Barcelona main partner

The agreement outlines the donation of televisions, professional-grade displays, monitors, speakers and headphones to both paediatric hospitals and the communities of at-risk children and young people involved in the Foundation’s projects

TPV Cares is the social-impact initiatives platform of TP Vision, a main partner of FC Barcelona whose AMBILIGHT tv brand is worn on the sleeve of the men’s first-team shirt, and has signed a three-year collaboration agreement with the FC Barcelona Foundation. The objective of the agreement is to support projects that the Barça Foundation carries out in Catalonia and many other countries, aimed towards children and young people that are vulnerable and in at-risk situations in terms of health, wellbeing and education. Specifically, the agreement foresees the donation by TP Vision of products including televisions, professional-grade displays, speakers and headphones, and monitors and displays from its sister companies MMD_Monitors & Displays and PPDS ranges, as well as a monetary donation towards the Foundation’s projects.

The agreement-signing event was held this Monday at FC Barcelona’s premises in the presence of Dr. Marta Segú, Director General of the FC Barcelona Foundation, and Stefan van Sabben, TPV s’ Global Director of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability.

Created in 2022, TPV Cares supports communities, charity organisations, projects and localised organised fundraising in over 30 countries. The organisation helps improve quality of life and access to educational and entertainment tools for vulnerable communities, through providing electronic products and audiovisual technology. 
By means of the donations outlined in the agreement, the FC Barcelona Foundation will be able to strengthen three facets of its programming: ‘Health and Emotional Wellbeing’, related to improving the wellbeing of children in hospitals and day centres; ‘Education and Protection’, which is linked to high-needs schools and supporting underage migrants without a family network; and ‘Community Action’, which uses sport to empower girls, boys and young people.

The partnership between TPV Cares and the Foundation further strengthens the relationship between TP Vision (responsible for the design, fabrication and sale of the Philips TV, Philips Sound and AOC Audio products) and FC Barcelona, on the back of the company becoming an official club partner for the 2023/2024 with its Philips AMBILIGHT tv brand.

Statements from Marta Segú, Executive Director of the FC Barcelona Foundation

“This new partnership will provide a great opportunity to improve access to audiovisual technology for vulnerable children around the world and help to support FC Barcelona Foundation projects which promote health and emotional wellbeing, education and social inclusion. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of children and young people in at-risk situations through sport, but also through agreements like these, which help these groups to have better access to technology and education”.

Statements from Stefan van Sabben, TPV Cares’ Global Director of CSR and Sustainability

“The FC Barcelona Foundation has changed the lives of many people through valuable and significant projects and we’re delighted to support them in their continued efforts. I’m very proud of what TPV Cares has achieved so far and, working together with the Barça Foundation, we’re expecting to accelerate those efforts and carry out even more positive changes across the whole world”.

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