Política de cookies

Updated on 26 April 2024.

The BARÇA FOUNDATION uses its own and third-party technical, personalisation, analysis, advertising and social media cookies, which process connection and/or device data, as well as browsing habits for statistical and advertising purposes.

As such, by accessing our website, we have, in compliance with Article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services, requested your consent for their use.

The provision of personal data through our portal and consent to the use of cookies requires users to be over the age of 14 and is subject to the express acceptance of our Privacy Policy.


A cookie is a text file that includes small amounts of data that is downloaded and installed on your device/terminal when you visit our website. The cookies are then sent to the original website on subsequent visits, or to another website that recognises this cookie. Cookies are useful because they enable information to be stored and retrieved about the number of visits and browsing habits of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain, the way in which they use their device. These can be used to recognise the user, as well as to improve the user experience on the website.

More information about cookies can be found at www.allaboutcookies.org/es .


Depending on the owner/entity responsible for managing the system from which the cookies are sent and processing the data obtained, they can be categorised as:

  1. Own cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s computer from a server or domain managed by us and are used to provide the service requested by the user.

  2. Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s computer/terminal from a server or domain that is not managed by us but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

Cookies can further be classified according to their purpose, as follows:

a. Strictly necessary (technical) cookies: These are cookies that enable users to browse the website and use the different options and services available to them, including those that are used to facilitate the operational management of the website and its functions and services, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying sessions, accessing restricted areas, completing the purchasing process, remembering an order, managing payments, controlling fraud linked to service security, processing registration or event participation requests, counting views for the purposes of licensing the software used to provide the service, using security elements during browsing, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound, enabling dynamic content or sharing content through social media channels.

The installation of these cookies does not require the consent of the user. However, if you configure your browser to block these cookies, the website may stop working properly.

b. Functionality or personalisation cookies: These are cookies that allow a website to remember past information so that a user can access the service with certain characteristics which differentiates their experience from other users, such as language selection, the number of results displayed when a user performs a search, website appearance or content according to the type of browser being used or the region from which it is being accessed, etc. Disabling these cookies may result in a less functional browsing experience for the user.

c. Analysis cookies: These are cookies that allow the managers of the relevant websites to monitor and analyse user activity, as well as quantify the impact of advertising. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to evaluate website activity in order to identify areas for improvement based on the analysis of the usage data collected from service users. These cookies analyse, for example, the pages visited, the frequency and recurrence of visits and the time spent on each page or section, among other statistical parameters.

d. Social Media Cookies

This website uses social media cookies so that the user can use the relevant social media buttons to share content from our website and connect to social media channels.

We do not control the cookies installed by the various social media channels, although these are usually technical cookies used to manage the login process or the counter displays that track how many times a certain piece of content has been shared.

We recommend that all users review the privacy and cookie policies of each social media channel and, if necessary, adjust the relevant privacy settings to limit, where appropriate, any tracking that may be carried out.

e. Behavioural advertising cookies: These are cookies that store information about user behaviour obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits and facilitate the compilation of a specific profile based on that information in order to display personalised advertising. In other words, they are cookies that allow the effective management of the advertising spaces that have been featured on the website usually by third parties that manage the advertising spaces and that allow the advertising content to be tailored to the relevant user and prevent the user being shown ads they have already seen, as well as limiting the amount of advertising shown to each user. In accordance with their own policies, some advertising managers may use anonymous cookies to display advertisements of interest to you when you visit other websites.

In short, we install our own and third-party cookies on our website which can be categorised as either strictly necessary or for the purposes of functionality and personalisation, analysis and behavioural advertising.


The information obtained through analysis cookies, as well as through behavioural advertising cookies may be shared with third parties, which shall act as Co-Processors in conjunction with FC Barcelona for the purposes and means of processing, and which have also signed the corresponding co-responsibility agreement that determines their respective responsibilities in complying with the associated current legal obligations.

However, please note that, as explained above, third-party cookies may, at any time, be subject to the direct processing of personal data by said third parties in accordance with their own privacy policies.


Users have the option of accepting or rejecting the installation of all cookies at any time, or of rejecting the installation of specific types of cookies, such as functionality or personalisation cookies, analysis cookies or behavioural advertising cookies.

In the event that you wish to modify your preferences, you can do so via the following link: Change your consent 

In addition, if a user wishes to prevent cookie installation, they can activate:

 - Private browsing, which stops your browser from saving your browsing history, website passwords, cookies and other information about the pages you visit, or,

 - The 'Do Not Track' function, whereby the browser asks the websites you visit not to track your browsing habits to, for example, provide you with advertising of interest on the websites you visit.

We recommend that you refer to your browser's help section to find out about the different options for managing cookies. Please note that blocking cookies may affect all or some of the functionalities of our website.

Below, we have included information on the management or deactivation of cookies on the main browsers: The above links may be updated by the relevant companies responsible for managing these browsers. FC Barcelona will make all reasonable efforts to keep the above list duly updated. However, if a link does not work or is out of date, please refer to your browser's 'Help' menu.

If you wish to have greater control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons known as 'Do Not Track' tools on your browser, which will allow you to choose which cookies you wish to allow.


When you visit our website for the first time, we offer you the chance to select the cookies you would like to allow. You can oppose the installation of any type of cookie except for technical cookies, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

However, as indicated in the section above, users may reject the installation of a certain type of cookie at any time via their browser settings.

Some of our providers also have a direct system for users to register their objection to the installation of their cookies, which we have listed below with the relevant links (some may not be in English, although the 'opt-out' button to object should be easy to locate):



Google Analytics








Please note that, if at any time you delete cookies from your browser, your 'opt-out' preferences from past providers may be deleted, so you will have to register your opposition again.


In addition to the information collected through Cookies, we may also use other similar technologies, such as tracking pixels or web beacons. These pixels are small image files that contain a code managed via a third-party's URL that allow the information collected about the use of the website to be used for analysis or behavioural advertising purposes.

Pixels can collect information, such as the browser used, the IP address, visit frequency and times, as well as track user activity on the website (purchases made, products purchased, redirects to other websites, newsletter opening, etc.).

In addition to the use of tracking pixels and web beacons, we may also use other user identification and tracking techniques, such as digital fingerprinting. These techniques make it possible to verify certain technical parameters related to the equipment used by the user (such as the browser used, operating system, screen resolution, installed plugins and add-ons, font, IP address, language selection, time zone, etc.) which, once combined, facilitate user personalisation. This information will be used to track user activity, analyse their browsing habits and develop a profile.


In accordance with the provisions of the data protection regulations, the data obtained will be processed in accordance with the following:

a. Purposes: The data collected via cookies will be processed in accordance with the purposes outlined in the descriptions for each of the cookies listed in Section 2 of this Cookie Policy.

b. Legal basis: Your consent is required for the installation of cookies, with the exception of those cookies strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the website (technical cookies), which are exempt from consent in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.

c. Retention periods: Different services or cookies may be subject to different data retention periods (or the relevant cookie expiration date). These are defined in the relevant cookie configuration module.

d. Disclosure of your data: Your data may be processed by us and by third parties that install cookies (third-party cookies), in accordance with their own privacy policies.

The data collected directly by us will not be disclosed, sold, leased or made available in any other way to any third party, except to those service providers contracted to conduct certain activities for us (database management, etc.) but which shall, under no circumstances, process the data for their own ends.

e. Profiling: Cookies allow us to generate user profiles based on different parameters, such as their website activity, cursor movements, interests and preferences regarding the content accessed or viewed, viewing times or other similar statistical parameters.

f. International transfers: You are duly advised that, with regard to the use of third-party cookies, it is possible that your data may be processed outside the European Economic Area. For further information, you can review the relevant third-party privacy policies at any time by accessing the cookie setting menu.

g. Exercising your rights: You may, at any time, request more information about the processing of your personal data and exercise your rights in accordance with the legal provisions on data protection by writing to the Data Protection Commission at the following postal address: Arístides Maillol, S/N, 08028 Barcelona (Spain) or by sending an email marked with the reference "Personal Data" to proteccio.dades@fcbarcelona.cat, specifying the right you wish to exercise and the form of personal data in question. If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the processing of your data, please contact us by sending a letter marked with the reference “DPO” to Carrer Arístides Maillol, S/N, 08028 Barcelona (Spain).

In the event of disputes with regard to the processing of your data involving FC BARCELONA, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (www.aepd.es).


FC Barcelona reserves the right to modify this Cookie Policy at any time and without prior notice in response to the relevant legal requirements or in order to improve the website.

Although we will make every effort to notify you of such modifications in the event of any significant changes, we recommend reviewing the Cookie Policy when accessing the website.

Cookie policy statement last updated by Cookiebot on 26/4/24:

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