Privacy policy FC Barcelona Foundation


Confidentiality and security are values that are fundamental to the Futbol Club Barcelona Private Foundation and, consequently, we undertake to guarantee User privacy at all times and refrain from requesting unnecessary information. Below we have provided you with all the necessary information about our Privacy Policy with regard to the personal data we request, in which we explain:

  • Who is responsible for processing your personal data.

  • How we use the data we request from you.

  • The legal grounds for its processing.

  • How long we keep it.

  • Who has access to your data and to whom it is disclosed.

  • What rights you have.

  1. Data controller:

Futbol Club Barcelona Private Foundation (hereinafter, Barça Foundation) with Spanish tax identification number (NIF) G60627445.


Data Protection Officer:



  1. Uses, legal basis and retention of the personal-data processing conducted by the Barça Foundation:




Purpose: To register you as a user of the online training conducted by the Barça Foundation and provide you with access to the training services and content, as well as managing the administrative procedures related to your request.

Purpose: To process the requested registration and training and, where appropriate, to register users on the necessary online training platforms. To implement, where appropriate, the relevant legal procedures to validate the training courses. To send you information about our FC BARCELONA courses or training or other related activities, also by electronic means.

Legal basis: Performance of the contract for the provision of training services. The organisation’s legitimate interests to keep its users informed about courses and training activities.

Retention: For the duration of the training course and subsequently during the periods legally established for the management of the training course and/or to cover any potential liabilities.


Purpose: To manage your image rights in accordance with the assignment of the image rights document, where applicable, and, if you consent, the free use and publication of your image in photographs and/or videos on the website, social media channels and/or other means of communication to promote the entity and its activities and services.

Legal basis: Assignment of image rights and consent for the collection, use and publication of images.

Retention: Images: If you do not indicate otherwise, for as long as they are published on the media channels described and are being used for the assigned purpose stated.


Purpose: To manage and assess user requests and registrations related to the Foundation’s Programs (such as the Bullying Prevention Program and 'Illusions' Program…) and, if accepted, to provide users with a Barça experience, which may, among other things, include meeting FC Barcelona players, experiences held at the Stadium and any other event or action that may pertain to a Barça experience.

Legal basis: Consent of the interested party.

Retention: Until the interested party withdraws their consent and unsubscribes from receiving communications and during the periods legally established to cover any potential liabilities.


Purpose: To manage the draw, auction and/or other actions carried out by the Foundation which you have entered and to send you communications related to the activity and the Club/Foundation’s events by any means, including electronic, as well as to send electronic commercial information relating to FC BARCELONA's associated entities via social media channels, applications or websites of which you may be a user.

If you are a prize winner or awardee: to notify you of the prize or product won, also by electronic means; and, if you consent, for the free use and publication of your image in photographs and/or videos on the website, social media channels and/or other means of communication to promote the entity and its products and services.

Legal basis: Participation and acceptance of the Legal Bases of the draw or auctions or other actions carried out by the Foundation, legitimate interest in informing participants entered in our draws, auctions, or other actions and consent for the collection, use and publication of images.

Retention: During the management of the draw, auctions or other actions and, once completed, during the period legally established to cover any potential liabilities. Images: If you do not indicate otherwise, for as long as they are published on the media channels described and are being used for promotional purposes.


Purpose: To send you communications related to the Barça Foundation’s activities and events by any means, including electronic, and which will always be personalised and tailored to your interests (and electronic commercial information and social media), and may include information on the activities we carry out or promote, as well as the digital magazine, the annual report, corporate documents related to our activity or any other information that we consider relevant, applications or websites about the Foundation of which the individual in question is a user, its sponsors and/or entities related to the Club’s activities.

We may also send you relevant information by other electronic means, such as SMS or instant messaging applications, as well as contact you by phone to communicate information that may be of interest to you or improve the quality of our generic projects.

Legal basis: The consent of the user when subscribing to commercial mailings and/or newsletters through our website or social media channels.

Retention: Until the interested party withdraws consent and unsubscribes from receiving communications and during the periods legally established to cover any potential liabilities.


Purpose: To manage studies and surveys and compile statistics to improve the Foundation’s activities and services.

Legal basis: Consent of the user to participate in the survey.

Retention: While the study or survey is being conducted and the statistics compiled.


  1. Custom and Lookalike Audience Actions

Purposes: Verification of the existence of specific Barça Foundation interested party/user accounts and/or social media profile searches (which have agreed to receive communications through their user profile, as established in the privacy policies for each of the platforms) for Barça Foundation commercial communication or advertising campaign mailings.

Legal basis: Legitimate interest in informing platform users, as well as, where appropriate, all those who have given their consent or subscribed to Foundation communications.

Retention: For the duration of the relationship with the data subject and, where appropriate, until the data subject unsubscribes or withdraws their consent.

  1. Social media user registration

When registering, users have the entirely voluntary option of registering or logging in via Facebook or Google Sign in. In this case, the corresponding login credentials will be those used to enter the personal account of the relevant social media channel or platform. The social media channel or platform may also send us additional information about a user’s public profile (profile name, photograph and basic information), in accordance with the privacy policy outlined by the relevant social media channel regarding the information included in public user profiles. You may, however, opt to not include some of the information contained in your public profile, which will then not be processed by us.

Similarly, you can also contact us directly through our corporate social media channels and/or send your message by logging in via Facebook or Google. In such a case, the public profile data associated with your personal account (profile and/or username, photograph and basic information) will be processed in accordance with the privacy policy of the corresponding social media network.


Purpose: To manage donations made to generic projects and the procedures related to their legal verification. To identify and verify the identity of all individuals who freely donate funds or resources for an amount equal to or greater than €100, to manage the donation process and the procedures related to their legal verification.

Fraud prevention in the management of free donations: Please refer to the “Recipients” section.

Legal basis: Contract performance; Legal obligation, Law 10/2010, of 28 April, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and Royal Decree 304/2014, of 5 May (Article 42), and legitimate interest related to possible fraud analysis.

Retention: For the legally established periods.

  1. Recipients of your data

Your data is confidential and will be exclusively used internally within the organisation for the purposes indicated and will not be transferred to third parties unless required to do so by law and in the following cases:

  • In the event that a payment needs to be carried out: BANKS OR PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDERS for the processing and management of the payment.

  • Fraud prevention related to payment management: We may process your data to monitor possible fraudulent transactions, which may involve the communication of data to suppliers who are experts in fraud prevention and management to analyse purchase transactions, which may involve, where appropriate, the refusal to process and manage an order.

Thus, your data may be communicated to third parties that will act as data controllers and, therefore, will determine the purposes and means for which it will be used. Said entities include logistics companies involved in shipping products to a given address and fraud prevention firms, such as Riskified Ltd., which will process your data for security and anti-fraud purposes to monitor the transactions you have carried out. The transfer of data to Riskified by the Foundation involves the international transfer of data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and, as such, both parties guarantee that the appropriate measures have been implemented to ensure the processing complies with the requirements established in the appropriate data protection regulations (for more information on these guarantees, you can contact us at the address provided in Section 4 below). For further information on how Riskified processes your data, please visit:

  • Fraud prevention in the management of free donations for an amount equal to or greater than €100: Between FC BARCELONA and the FOUNDATION to administer the intended purposes.

  • To FC BARCELONA for sending information and communications from the Club. For further information on the processing of your personal data and the entities that make up FC BARCELONA, please refer to the relevant Privacy Policy via the following link:

  1. International Transfers

As an international organisation, the Barça Foundation works with international suppliers that may provide their services outside the EU and it is possible that your data may be processed outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (for example, the supplier responsible for sending out the newsletter, data storage, etc.).

All our suppliers are subject to a prior approval process and we commit to always ensuring that this data processing is protected with the appropriate guarantees, which may include:

- Standard EU-approved clauses

- Third-party certifications

You can request further information about the assurance measures implemented in each case at any time by contacting our Data Protection Officer at

  1. Rights associated with your personal data

Everyone has the right to withdraw their consent for the processing of their data at any time. Under no circumstances shall the withdrawal of this consent affect the activities already carried out.

You may also exercise the following rights:

  • Object to our legitimate interest-based commercial communications in every email you receive.

  • Request access to or rectification of your personal data when it is inaccurate.

  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected.

  • Request the processing of your personal data is restricted in certain circumstances.

  • Request opposition to the processing of your data for reasons related to your particular situation.

  • Request data portability in the cases set out in the regulations.

  • Other rights recognised in the applicable regulations.

You may exercise your rights by writing to the Data Protection Commission at the following postal address: Arístides Maillol, S/N, 08028 Barcelona (Spain), or by sending an email with the reference "Personal Data" to, specifying the right you wish to exercise and the personal data in question.

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the way we process your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at the following email address:, or by sending a letter marked with the reference “DPO” to Calle Arístides Maillol, S/N, 08028 Barcelona (Spain).

In the event of disputes with regard to the processing of your data, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (

  1. Cookies

For information on cookies, please refer to the Foundation’s Cookie Policy on this website.

  1. Targeted advertising

The Barça Foundation sends customised information to its users in order to offer them better services tailored to their preferences and provide quality content that is personalised to their interests.

As described below, the Barça Foundation may conduct targeted advertising based on all the data provided by you.

User profiles will, for example, consider:

  • Your website activity, cookies, cursor movements, as well as your preferences and interests.

  • Activity in relation to the Barça Foundation newsletters, for example, what content you find interesting based on when and how often you open the newsletters.

  • Any interactions that may be carried out through other channels, such as inquiries submitted to the Barça Foundation information or contact channels.

  • Information that you may provide through customer satisfaction surveys.

We also inform you that we may use automated methods to process your personal data for some services. This means that certain decisions are made automatically without human intervention, for example, categorising you according to your interest in certain sections of the website or likelihood of using other services that we may offer.

These communications may also be tailored and personalised according to the interests of users, either based on requested products and services or on the data we are able to deduce or obtain from their browsing history, interest in certain content, response to Barça Foundation communications, among others.

This personalisation is carried out in a partially automated way, meaning that, while the Barça Foundation sets the personalisation parameters to be applied, it is the technology platform that then uses these to generate a targeted advertising profile for each user. The Barça Foundation does not send general communications that have not been personalised via the above procedure as it considers the sending and receipt of relevant information to be in the best interests of both the organisation and its users and because this type of targeting does not affect the number of communications sent out but does improve the content. If you would rather not receive targeted information, you can oppose or unsubscribe to commercial communications at any time.

Similarly, this profile will also take into account the data the Barça Foundation processes as a result of a user’s activity on our website when it is accessed with the username and password associated with third party sites (Social Login); the user’s name, email address, date of birth and geographical location, as well as, in the case that the user has freely granted their consent, their social media preferences in order to offer a personalized experience related to user "Likes".

  1. Obligation to provide us with your personal data and consequences of not doing so.

Personal data can only be supplied for minors over 14 years of age, or, where appropriate, where a parent or guardian grants lawful consent.

The personal data requested is necessary to manage your requests and/or provide you with the services you may wish to contract and, as such, withholding that data will prevent us from being able to properly respond or provide you with the service you have requested.

  1. Personal data security

In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, please be advised that we have adopted all the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data provided and prevent its alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access.

  1. Updating your data

In order to keep your personal data up to date, it is important that you inform us of any relevant changes. If not, we cannot assure nor be held accountable for its correctness.

We do not take responsibility for the privacy policy of third parties corresponding to personal data that you may have provided to them by accessing links available on our website.

This Privacy Policy may be modified to adapt it to changes made to the Foundation website, as well as to legislative or jurisprudential changes regarding personal data that may arise. This policy was published on 12 April 2024. Users will be advised of any relevant changes.

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