Detecting and acting against harassment in sports

Detecting and acting against harassment in sports

Make visible and prevent bullying in the world of sports


Detecting and acting against harassment in sports

Bullying occurs in those spaces where children interact, and therefore also in the sports field. According to a study carried out by the Barça Foundation, more than 58% of children who are part of academy football teams in Catalonia have experienced these situations and more than 9% have been victims. 

Sport, due to its experiential nature and its social and educational potential, is an effective tool for promoting healthy relationships between peers, through the development of social skills, emotional education, and education in values.



foto bullying esport


Training Against Bullying - 1st block

Prevention, detection and actions against bullying require a multidisciplinary response that includes awareness and collaboration of society as a whole, and especially all educational agents that are the role models for children’s all-round development:

  • What are bullying and cyberbullying? Riles, forms and types.
  • Detection indicators.
  • Effects on victims, aggressors and observers.
  • Bullying in numbers. 
  • Education strategies and intervention. Introduction. 

Training Against Bullying - 2nd block

Prevention, detection and actions against bullying require a multidisciplinary response that includes awareness and collaboration of society as a whole, and especially all educational agents that are the role models for children’s all-round development:

  • Educational strategies. 
  • Practical cases.
  • Sporting dynamics for the prevention of bullying.
Força Barça
Força Barça

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