Lilian Thuram Foundation: together for education and tolerance

Lilian Thuram Foundation: together for education and tolerance


Education against racist prejudice on and off the pitch

The Lilian Thuram Foundation was established in 2008 to ensure non-xenophobic education and the dismantling of racist prejudices. The alliance with the Barça Foundation involves the shared goal of eradicating racist behaviour on and off the pitch.

Among the many activities, Lilian Thuram participated in the presentation of the Evaluation Report of the Refugee Program in Lebanon, Italy and Greece and visited different refugee camps in Lebanon and Greece. He also visited an inclusion program that uses the Barça Foundation's own methodology, where unaccompanied minors are living without adult role models, and took part in an event organized by the Government of Catalonia's General Directorate of Child and Adolescent Care, where cases of successful insertion of minors under or formerly under the organisation's guardianship were presented.





Sport and Education against Racism Award

The FC Barcelona and Lilian Thuram Foundations have launched this new initiative aimed at the student community to contribute to education on the fight against racism and promotion of inclusion in university and social settings in Catalonia.




Our commitment to the Lilian Thuram Foundation

Both foundations work together to promote education as a basis for preventing and ending racism.

The Lilian Thuram Foundation gives its enlightened point of view on the origins of racism and the intellectual construction that sustains it.

Talks are held on this topic in which Lilian Thuram addresses children on the different programs, forums and conferences organized by the Foundation.



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