Using sport to improve treatment of mood disorders
The mental health project ‘#EsportivaMent’ is being introduced in Santa Coloma de Gramanet
The FC Barcelona Foundation, in collaboration with the Vidal i Barraquer Foundation and the association Sport2Live, is carrying out a program which uses sport to enhance the treatment of mood disorders among children and young people between 13 and 17 years of age in Santa Coloma de Gramenet. A further goal of this program is to compile scientific evidence to increase understanding of the benefits of physical activity in general, and specifically the SportNet methodology, to improve the treatment and prognosis of these disorders.

A hundred adolescents participed in the project
A hundred adolescents, mainly from Santa Coloma’s Childhood and Youth Mental Health Centre but also from the Santa Coloma and Badalona Day Clinics, are taking part in this project. All of them have exhibited symptoms related to mood pathologies, mood swings that can evolve into a depressive disorder (low spirits and loss of interest) or a bipolar condition, which also features bouts of euphoria.
The SportNet methodology is being implemented via the association Sport2Live and consists of 12 weekly sessions divided into various groups.

Get to know the EsportivaMent program