Strengthening social cohesion among young refugees and members of the host community

Strengthening social cohesion among young refugees and members of the host community



Support and protection for young refugees in the southwest of Uganda

This project is aimed at nearly 4,800 refugees and host-community members living in the Nakivale and Oruchinga settlements in the district of Isingiro, in the southwest of Uganda, close to the border with Rwanda and Tanzania. The program is carried out jointly with ACNUR/UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, as part of the Club’s alliance with this organisation. Its sphere of action is mainly focused on young people who are not receiving schooling, in order to provide them with information on protection, gender rights and referral routes through sporting events. Those involved also receive training in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), negotiation and interpersonal relationship building, as well as extending their personal networks by participating in the Foundation’s socio-educational methodology SportNet and in football tournaments.

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Força Barça
Força Barça

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