Ethical Channel

The Barça Foundation has the firm will to be a Foundation guided by legality and ethical principles, and takes a very positive view and encourages its members, staff, and other related parties to warn of and report any possible illegal behaviour.

The Barça Foundation has therefore set up an Ethical Channel to receive and deal with all types of communications, inquiries or complaints related to irregularities or breaches, whether of the internal regulations, the applicable legislation or the Foundation’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and Behaviour Code. However, the Channel can also be used to answer doubts or for support and encouragement on how to apply the Foundation's internal regulations and its values.

This channel is available to all members of the Barça Foundation, as well as its staff, suppliers and collaborators. It is also accessible to other related parties.

The Barça Foundation guarantees the relevant confidentiality and indemnity of the Channel at all times when acting in good faith, preserving at all times the honour and the presumption of innocence of the accused in the face of unfounded or malicious communications and acting with the utmost objectivity, rigour and diligence.

Communications may also be made anonymously and will not result in any retaliation.
Proper use of this Channel helps to prevent, detect and adequately report behaviours that may be illegal and which affect the Foundation itself or third parties.

The personal data provided to the Channel will be treated in accordance with current data protection regulations and the relevant measures on information security.

However, the Barça Foundation pays special attention to the protection of any minors who are part of or may be associated with it. For this reason, a specific communication channel has been set up for those cases in which the consulted or reported behaviour or action is related to children.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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